Working with Japanese Staff


My name is Kathryn.

I just want to share my experience working with Japanese people.

As Foreigner,  I am really shy to talk to nihonjin because I`m afraid

that they can`t understand my Japanese. I can communicate with

them but a bit insecure with my intonation and Sometimes I`m

really afraid to be misunderstood.

Japanese People are really hard working and they are really

passionate with their Career.  Even though they have a hard and difficult

day at work, They still make time to get together and have fun

to forget their problems at work.

My First Shokujikai with my workmates.

And It makes me feel like I`m a Japanese too.

It really motivates me to work harder because after the hard work,

Food is waiting!!!<3

Spending time with my workmates is really Fun.

I tried different Japanese exotic foods

and I love it.

Its my pleasure to work with this two